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Judgement and A Course in Miracles

The Course in Miracles teaches us that judgment is rooted in our personal experiences and perceptions. When we judge, we project our biases and beliefs onto the world. But what if we could learn to simply observe judgment, rather than get caught up in it?

The ego loves to make judgments, wanting us to see the world in black and white terms of right and wrong. However, the Course invites us to step back and view everything outside ourselves, rather than taking it all personally. Judgment is neither good nor bad - it just is.

What if we could learn to watch judgments arise without getting entangled in them? The Holy Spirit can then show us a different way of seeing. We don't have to make definitive calls about what is acceptable. We can simply be present with an open and curious mind.

This doesn't mean we become passive or apathetic. It's about shifting our perspective - letting go of the need to make everything fit into our limited framework. When we do that, we open ourselves to miracles and a deeper understanding of the world around us.

Sean Reagan, an ACIM blogger, recently shared a simple yet profound parable, which I remind myself of whenever I get caught up in right and wrong thinking:

A farmer is struggling to work his land when a draft horse appears. "Good news!" say the neighbours.

"Maybe and maybe not," says the farmer.

His son tries to mount the horse, gets thrown, and breaks a leg.

"Bad news!" say the neighbours.

"Maybe and maybe not," says the farmer.

That evening, the military comes through, taking every able-bodied young man. Because his leg is broken, the farmer's son is allowed to stay behind.

"Good news!" say the neighbours.

"Maybe and maybe not," says the farmer.

We never have the whole picture. What if we could see judgments for what they are - just another passing phenomenon in the world, without attaching to them as absolute truth, like the farmer in this situation? This shift in perspective can free us from the prison of our rigid beliefs and opinions. It allows us to approach each situation and person with an open, compassionate mind.



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